Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Around the Office Update #1 February 13, 2013

Where did January go?!

Lent is upon us! Lent is the season of recalling and repenting of our sins and striving through renewed disciplines to worship God from Monday to Sunday.  Remember that as your pastor I am hear to help in that capacity.  If you need spiritual direction, listening, or help with prayer give me a call or come by the office.

Also keep in mind that during Holy Week I will keep hours in the chapel for the Rite of Reconciliation (p. 446 in the Prayer Book).  This service is our ability to confess our sins privately to a priest.  Sometimes getting things off your chest is the only way to move from feelings of guilt to forgiveness.  If you would like to offer your confession privately I am always available.  But also be on the alert for special hours for this sacrament during Holy Week.

As we walk together through this Holy Season remember that now is a great time to be listening to the spiritual concerns of friends and families.  They need the Love of God as much as you do.  Encourage them to worship!  Invite them to worship with us.

Our Lenten program telling God Stories and Jesus Touching our Lives is gearing up.  Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 20th at 6:30 we'll meet in the parish hall for soup (a light meal).  Then adults and children will part ways for different programs.  Children will strengthen friendships with one another and their relationships with Jesus!  While adults will head to the church nave to share in music and ways that Jesus has touched their lives this week.  I feel the awesomeness already!  Soup is free for everybody, so bring a friend and share God's Love.

The last two weeks in our Family Formation hour we've seen more church family members show up; y'all keep coming.  Last Sunday we were visited by a prison guard and cell mate of Joseph's.  We're expecting a visit from Joseph anytime now, don't miss it.  Along with these visitations we're learning about how God was ever present with Joseph through his tribulations and blessings.  Just as he is present with us today in our struggles and joyful moments.  The arts and crafts have also been a lot of fun.  We'll see you there!

As the semester continues on we've invited some new friends from Dulles High School National Honor Society to help us in our Emily's Pantry renovation.  Don't worry they're not painting or reflooring.  They will be helping us move food and furniture to another room while we paint and re-floor the pantry.  All this is in an effort to have a facility that meets with the standards of the Houston Food Bank.  We're excited for them to join us.  And we are hoping to take the opportunity to extend invitation for them to fellowship with us.

Blessings, Fr. Stephen+

Around the Office Update #4 (12.18.12)

A lot to do this week,. I can't wait for Christmas to come!

We're working on Christmas service sheets.  We're very excited about the emphasis on children and youth for the early Christmas Eve service.  While both services are open to all generations we hope that parents will feel that the early service will be engaging for the younger children.  The Island carols are lively and fun to sing.  And of course we'll include our traditional carols as well.

Also relating to worship, I've been asking around about ways to make our worship better.  Trying to balance musical and liturgical tastes within the structure of Anglican worship is a daunting task.  But there is flexibility within the structure.  We are looking to find the balance of these things that makes our worship so beautiful.  I'm always open to your feedback, so send me an email with your thoughts or grab me for a conversation.

Get on board with us!! After months of faithful prayer, planning, and preparation Kari Richardson has joined our staff to help us with our Family Ministry.  We have mapped out a plan for Christian formation for children, youth, and adults.  Family ministry is a multi-generational faith formation that will enrich the lives of our children and parish family!

Kari has prepared a written protocol for our nursery.  This is help that ministry continue to be a safe and enriching environment for our youngest disciples.  For our families with older children and youth, we'll spend January orienting everyone on how this new ministry will unfold.  Family Formation will take place on first, second, and third Sundays.  Fourth Sundays are our service day at Emily's Pantry.  It's a great time to be at All Saints!

Last week Sarah, Miguel, and I drove over to Dulles Middle School to pick up a first attempt at the school's food drive.  The offering from the middle school was well received.  I've written thank you notes to the departments in appreciation from the church.

Also, Tracey Spiller and I visited the Houston Food Bank for an orientation.  We'll have to go back in January to complete our paperwork. By teaming with the Food Bank we're going to be able to stock Emily's Pantry for drastically reduced prices on food.  We're still needing more volunteers.  We encourage everyone to invite a friend to help stock or distribute food.

Thank you for the continued support.  Blessings, Fr. Stephen+