On August 19th we had an awesome meeting with all of the folks gathered at the Outreach planning meeting. We talked about Karios, Family Promise, Emily's Pantry, Christmas for CPS children and so much more in terms of our outreach ministries. There is so much going on at All Saints in terms of outreach ministry! You all were able to put a team of leaders together to take on the coordination for Family Promise as we transition leadership. Denise and John Villanueva have done a wonderful job of holding up that ministry before us! Thank you both.
We had close to 30 people in the room including about 8-10 youth. Questions and ideas were taken from everyone including our young people as it pertains to outreach ministry. We had so many folks that we ran out of food! What a blessing! In our time together, the outpouring and commitment truly reflected the truth, that Service (outreach ministry) is a core value of All Saints.
I was so very pleased with how our discussion went and am so encouraged that we can have future gatherings like that on a semi-annual basis to ask the questions, "What Services are we doing?" and "How are we doing Service?" Both of these questions were answered that day because you all are passionate about helping others!
On September 9th we had our annual Rally Day celebration to kick off the new year. I got a different feel from that time together. There were a lot of folks eating hot dogs and youth and kids outside on the wet inflatable. But I sensed a different level of interest in that meeting. As I called us together to discuss family ministry we had a lower level of attentiveness.
Rally Day highlights signups for new ministry and kicks-off ministry to youth and children. It seemed to me to be a great day to roll out our plan
for Family Ministry and how youth and children will be formed in a Christian setting through the Family Minister that we are looking to hire. This is a ministry in which we have put a lot of prayer and consideration. I'm very hopeful and excited about it, because I know it will mean a lot to each of us, young-in-years and old-in-years.
As I compare our Service-discussion to our Youth-discussion I'm struck by the difference in interest around the latter. And I'd like to know more about what is happening in your hearts and minds on the subject.
We have an awesome church family with wonderful young people. We have those young people for such a short time, I want for them to be able to depend on their relationship with Christ as they go out into the world. And so their Christian Formation is very important.
In many ways their questions during our outreach conversation are already an example of the formation I want to see in them! But if as parents there is hesitancy or a malaise regarding programs for youth and children I really need to know your thoughts and concerns. Come, and let's talk.
I am your priest and your pastor. I love you all; if as your shepherd I'm leading you to a place that you are not sure about, I want to know. As it pertains to your children and their spiritual formation as Christians and as Anglican/Episcopalians I want to help you be on board with the direction that we are going.
No matter what, your kids will have a priest who loves them, who respects them, and who will be there for them in crisis. My ear is always available.
God bless you,
Fr. Stephen+
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