We've put together our team of acolyte masters (also called vergers) David
Stokes, Bob Pearson, and Mark Jones. We are hoping to add at least one more
verger into the schedule soon.
I will be sitting down with the vergers on Saturday, October 27th to lay out our
protocol for instruction for the youth and a date for mandatory training. We
are structuring an environment in which our young people will be encouraged to
participate fully in worship as acoyltes, readers, and as they mature,
Eucharistic Ministers.
By the time they are confirmed and of an appropriate age our youth should
be fully integrated into ministry in the church and discovering their gifts. I
want to give you and them everything that is necessary for them to be successful
in ministry.
Our adults leaders are creating a safe environment for the youth in which
they are encouraged to grow, take risks, and be challenged. But it will be an
environment that nurtures and teaches them when they fail.
**Coming Soon--Acolyte Training**
It is imperative that your child be available and present for the
training. The acolyte masters will give you ample time to set aside the date
which we will be setting this Saturday. When we publish the date, make this a
priority for your acolyte. Too often we have scheduled trainings and only a few
acolytes show up. The result is acolytes that feel out of place and uncertain of
their duties. Let's not do that to them. Let's give them what they need to
have confidence and success in their ministry. We know that they will "mess up"
but we're striving to make them better at what they are doing. Parental support
is key to this.
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